best amino acid supplement for muscle growth

Muscle growth is a natural phenomenon and an important one. Muscle protein turnover is a constant process whereby repairing, replacing, and rebuilding muscles happen every day. With age muscle growth slows down. So elderly people need amino acid supplements. The same goes for bodybuilders, athletes, and those who go to the gym. These people aim to grow more muscles, and amino acid supplementation is the best way to do so.

Amongst the numerous amino supplements present on the market, the best amino acids for muscle growth are the optimum nutrition amino energy supplements. It is manufactured to boost your energy and muscle recovery. The supplement contains 100 mg of caffeine per serving. It comes directly from the coffee bean and/or the tea leaf. Next, the supplement contains 5 grams of amino acids which support muscle recovery. Plus, there are 5 to 10 calories per serving without any sugar.


The optimum nutrition amino energy supplements enhance your overall workout performance. They promote muscle recovery and help in building muscles. The reason is that it contains all the nine essential amino acids, namely:

best amino acis supplement

1. Histidine- This essential amino acid is significant for the growth and repair of tissues. It especially maintains myelin sheaths, that is, the sleeves of fatty tissue that protect nerve cells. Histidine ensures that a person is able to send and receive messages. Various research depicts that histidine protects tissues against damage caused by radiation. Moreover, being an antioxidant, histidine offers anti-inflammatory properties which prevent chronic disease. It also strengthens immune function and helps to produce red and white blood cells.

2. Isoleucine- Isoleucine is one of the best amino acids for muscle growth. It is a part of the three branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). Isoleucine is noted for muscle repair and growth. It plays an important role in muscle metabolism and provides your muscles with the appropriate fuel to do work. Isoleucine also helps in blood clot formation and in the production of hemoglobin. Thereby it helps in the production of red blood cells and the flow of oxygen throughout the body. Isoleucine regulates blood sugar and energy levels by increasing the body’s ability to utilize glucose during exercise.

3. Leucine- Leucine is also one of three branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). It helps in muscle repair and growth. Leucine also enhances strength performance and helps amino acids for building muscle mass. Leucine stimulates protein synthesis. It helps in the production of growth hormones; prompts insulin release, and thereby regulates blood sugar levels and energy levels.

4. Lysine- The essential amino acid, lysine helps in the production of various hormones, enzymes, and antibodies. Lysine plays an important role in the immune system and offers antiviral properties. It helps in the production of collagen which gives structure to ligaments, tendons, skin, hair, nails, cartilage, organs, bones, and more.

5. Methionine- Methionine essential amino acid is a sulfur-containing compound. It works as a powerful antioxidant that protects the cells from free radical damage.

6. Phenylalanine- This essential amino acid is important for the creation of other amino acids namely tyrosine. Tyrosine, in turn, helps in the production of the neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine (noradrenaline), and epinephrine (adrenaline) which regulate mood and emotional response.

7. Threonine- The essential amino acid threonine helps in the production of collagen and elastin, which provides structure and stretchiness to skin and connective tissues. Threonine boosts the central nervous system. It maintains a healthy gut and digestive tract as well.

8. Tryptophan- Tryptophan amino acid is a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter, which regulates your appetite, sleep, mood, and pain. Tryptophan is also a precursor to the hormone melatonin, which regulates one’s sleep and wake cycles.

9. Valine- Ninth on the list of amino acids present in the ON amino supplement is valine. It is an essential amino acid that helps in muscle repair and growth. Valine helps to regulate blood sugar and maintains energy levels. It supplies glucose to muscles during workouts, and prevents fatigue.


best time to take amino acid supplement

Before or after exercise

You can take the ON amino energy supplements before or after exercise. It will prevent muscle soreness after exercise and will also lower the blood markers of muscle damage. People, especially resistance exercise trainers who took ON amino supplements showed improvements in body composition and strength. Amino acid levels in your blood will peak 30 minutes after consuming the supplement. Although generally, it takes 45–60 minutes after exercise to get maximum muscle-building benefits from the consumption of amino supplements.

During exercise

Taking amino energy supplements during workouts is also beneficial. It helps in endurance training, like distance running and cycling. In fact, amino supplementation during exercise also reduces fatigue, both mental and physical fatigue. Thus it keeps you energetic and helps you quickly go back to your sets for a workout.

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