Bodybuilding supplements are amazing dietary supplements, made with a perfect blend of macro and micronutrients. They help in boosting muscle growth, recovery, immunity, energy, and blood flow. You can take either individual or a combination of bodybuilding supplements, as per your nutrition needs. Here is a list of the top 10 bodybuilding supplements that one must consider.


Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine monohydrate is an excellent muscle-building, power-enhancing supplement. It increases the availability of creatine and phosphocreatine (PCr) within the muscles. Creatine monohydrate helps to maintain energy during high-intensity exercise like weightlifting. This supplement helps to speed up recovery between sets, resistance training capacity, and overall performance.


Caffeine is an energy booster. It helps bodybuilders to stay active, energetic, and vigilant. Caffeine is an energy stimulant used widely all over the world. Caffeine offers ergogenic aid in both endurance exercise and high-intensity activities. It reduces fatigue and lethargy.

Branched Chain Amino Acids

BCAAs, that is branched-chain amino acids, are a combo of three essential amino acids, namely leucine, isoleucine, and valine. BCAAs are primarily included among the top 10 bodybuilding supplements. It also helps in muscle growth and recovery. BCAAs speed up muscle recovery post-exercise. It also supports the process of repairing muscles after exercise. BCAAs also decrease muscle soreness and damage arising after a strenuous exercise. The BCAA leucine is especially helpful in regulating protein metabolism. Leucine increases protein synthesis and suppresses protein degradation thus helping in muscle recovery.

Whey Protein

Whey is a high quality, fast-digesting milk protein. It is extracted from milk at the end of the curdling process. Whey significantly improves your muscles’ ability to recover and adapt after harsh exercise. Whey protein also stimulates muscle protein synthesis to a higher level. Research depicts that long-term whey protein leads to improvement in resistance training capacity, muscle mass, and strength.


Glutamine is the next best supplement for muscle growth for bodybuilders. It is technically a nonessential amino acid. It helps in muscle repair and recovery. Glutamine also removes excess ammonia from the body, which may accumulate during intense exercise. By flushing out ammonia, glutamine regulates your body’s acid-base balance.

Fish Oils

Fish oils are the best source of omega-3 fatty acids. It contains fatty acids in the form of EPA and DHA. Omega-three fatty acids, via fish oil help to boost muscle growth. It fuels the body and keeps you energetic. It has also catered to brain and heart health. Fish oil prevents cardiovascular issues and heart stroke. Fish oil also improves cognitive abilities. It uplifts your memory and mental work capacity. Fish oil reduces depression, mood swings, and anxiety. It makes athletes and bodybuilders more strong and more energetic. Fish oil supplements also offer anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It heals the microscopic tears in your muscle fibers, thereby controlling muscle damage and inflammation. Fish oil is taken as a post-exercise recovery supplement. It increases protein synthesis rates and leads to greater gains in muscle mass.

Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB)

HMB is elaborated as beta-hydroxy-beta-methyl butyrate. HMB occurs naturally in the body during the breaking down of the essential amino acid, leucine. It also helps to enhance muscle recovery in bodybuilders and athletes. HMB also decreases post-exercise muscle damage and accelerates recovery. It helps to improve strength and aerobic capacity and promotes lean body mass. HMB improves body composition, including lean mass, especially in people who perform weight training.

Weight Gainers

Weight gainers, also called mass gainers are muscle-gaining supplements. They boost muscle mass, which is the main concern of bodybuilders. Mass gainers are calorie-rich supplements. They help you to stay in the state of calorie surplus, thus increasing muscle mass. Mass gainers contain all the macronutrients namely fats, carbs, and proteins along with a few essential vitamins and minerals.


Beta-alanine is chiefly an amino acid. It decreases both physical and mental fatigue thereby boosting exercise performance. Beta-alanine also increases muscle mass when followed by an exercise program. It enhances high-intensity interval training program capacity and increases lean body mass.


Bodybuilding multivitamins are as crucial for muscle growth as protein and carbs. Vitamins and minerals control the deficiencies that may arise due to harsh exercise and strict diet in bodybuilders. Different vitamins and minerals offer different benefits. For instance vitamin B complex, a combination of eight vitamin Bs help in boosting energy. Vitamin Bs supports cell production, and blood flow and hence uplifts your energy. Vitamin C strengthens your immunity and prevents frequent diseases. It helps in muscle growth also. Then there are fish oils, that is, the main source of omega-three fatty acids. These fatty acids help in enhancing your muscle mass, recovery, and energy production. Vitamin D helps in strengthening your bones, teeth, and muscles. Magnesium, potassium, zinc, and calcium are also essential minerals for bodybuilders.

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